We all have a story to tell

We don't just talk about mental health issues, we treat them

Founded by Dr. Tameer Siddiqui and managed by her team, Heart of Healing LLC is a private practice utilizing evidence-based assessment and neuro-focused intervention(s)  to help individuals work through their anxiety and/or post-traumatic stress. What started out as a passion project fostered by a deep desire to better understand the neuroscience of attachment, anxiety/trauma, and healing quickly turned into a powerful, holistic, and effective therapeutic approach comprised of talk therapy, combined with nervous system-informed intervention, neurodevelopmental assessments to aid in brain mapping, and somatic resourcing such as bilateral stimulation (e.g., EMDR) to integrate and heal core emotional wounding of the present self. 


Story time!

Logo backstory: The heart and the brain. Art and science.

The heart because "the healing is in the feeling" and the brain because of our neuro-focused approach to therapeutic change! The ladder in the middle symbolizes that healing happens one step at a time. It can also be interpreted as connecting the head and heart; both of which are vital to bring to the table during the therapeutic process!

Taking steps forward.

It's never too late to address mental health.

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